

While the human attention span is known to be very minimal, a Billboard situated at the right angle and at a prominent location is sure to grab attention and leave a lasting impression. All our Hoardings are strategically placed, and do justice to their advertisement


While the human attention span is known to be very minimal, a Billboard situated at the right angle and at a prominent location is sure to grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

Unipole / Mini Unipole

Mounted atop single poles, the major advantagethey hold are the elevation, that make themhard to miss. Mini unipoles are unipoles with areduced height.

Pole Kiosks

Placed at an elevation, these kiosks are
a greatway to highlight a brand/logo at
repeated intervals.

Road Medians

Get noticed by people who are on the go, by advertising on prominently placed road medians.


Be it a showroom, or public places like amall or an exhibit, standees are the aptmedium to get your message across to the crowd.

Wall Wraps/ Drop Downs

Display your brand across the length of your premises, with high graded wall wraps and drop downs.

Bus Shelters

Well lit advertisements displayed on bus shelters tend to reach out to more pedestrians as well as regular travellers.

Mobile Vans

Have your advertisement displayed on mobile vans that travel through the city,and are parked at locations of your choice

Police Umbrella

Advertise your message across, on police umbrellas located at prime junctions.